It was covered head to toe with long, black or very dark hair, so long that no facial features besides the eyes could be seen. The hair was so dense that no sexual features could be determined. Also noted were the palms of its hands which were hairless and black. No claws were seen. The hood of the car blocked the ability to see the ground at this close of a distance so the feet could not be observed.. No smells or sounds were noted, however the car windows were up and the rain was beating down hard. It would have been difficult to hear or smell anything under those conditions.
The driver had stopped the car and the creature froze, watching them for a few seconds. At that point the driver put the car in reverse and slowly started to back up. The creature took a couple steps toward the car keeping about the same distance from the car. The driver again stopped and the creature did likewise.
After a short time, the driver put the car in low and began creeping toward the creature. The creature stood still and did not move from the spot where it stopped. It did put its arms forward as if to protect itself. The car continued to move forward very slowly to the point where both occupants could feel the car make contact with the creature. It put its arms out and placed its hands on each front fender of the car above the headlights. The bumper was against its legs. The driver stopped again and did not try to force his way through. The driver said he was ready to shift to reverse again and "get the hell out of there".
It was at this point the creature removed its hands from the car, took about one step, then proceeded to walk into the woods below the road. That was the last it was seen. Somewhat shaken, the witnesses went home and I was contacted next day via my website reporting form.
I followed up and did a personal interview on 5-11-2016 where the above information was obtained. I also examined the car for any evidence of contact. None was found. The car was also checked using UV / IR light for evidence of hand prints or skin oils where the creature is alleged to have been in contact. Nothing was found, however it must also be noted that they drove home about 7 miles in driving rain. I also went to the area on Mud Pike where the creature was seen in an attempt to locate evidence however nothing was found. Much gravel and other debris was washed into the road from the heavy rain so I would expect any such evidence, if it existed, was destroyed. |
July 2, 2024 - Object Sighted, Two Vehicles Disabled near Smithfield, Pa
Time: Approx, 11:15 AM Weather slight haze but sunny. Temp: Upper 80s
The witness ("John", not his real name) contacted me via website and reported the following description of what he encountered. He was driving south on Rt 119 about 1 mile south of Smithfield when his car stalled out. He said it was like he just turned it off. At the same time he saw a large black object overhead. He estimated it was about 300 feet above him and very large. It hovered for just a few seconds then moved off toward the mountains which put it behind some trees that were over the highway where he lost sight of it. He had his camera on the seat beside him but didn't have time to get a picture before it shot away. He could make out the object through the tree branches where it again had stopped. He took his camera and got out to try to get to a spot where he could get a better view.
About 200 yards ahead there was an open field which allowed for a better view, but by now the object had moved again and was about a mile away. It would hover for for a few seconds then move again. The general direction was east, which put it farther away each time it stopped. He took a few pictures wih his iPhone but the distance showed only a dark object with no detail. (I later attempted but failed to enhance the pictures due to lighting and distance.)
John returned to his car and noticed another motorist stopped behind him. The second guy ("Joe", not his real name.) had also experienced car trouble and he too saw the large object. His view was not as good as John's, but he saw enough to give a description. It was at this point John, who lives near Smithfield and knew I investigate these things contacted me via my website. I happened to be online at the time and was able to grab a few things and respond to the scene around 12:00 PM..
When I arrived I examined both vehicles for any obvious evidence. Neither showed any residue or physical effects. I checked for residual magnetic effects, none were found. John said right before his car died his radio became "staticy". Joe said his radio was not on, consequently he could not confirm the static John heard. I checked both radios and they were functioning normally when I examined the cars. Both batteries checked good under no load.