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Mansfield Reformatory
Field Test Of The EVamP 2+2 System

This investigation took place on May 15, 2019 at Mansfield Reformatory, Mansfield, Ohio. The purpose of this investigation was an evaluation of the EVamP2+2 system under real world conditions. The system performed well and only a couple minor adaptations were found to be desired.

Five sessions were run, the first began about 10 PM, second at 11:20PM, Third at 11:50 PM, fourth at 1:15 AM, and fifth about 1:40 AM. Sessions 1, 2, and 5 had nothing obtained, sessions 3 and 4 captured the peculiar sound described below. To confirm the system was not responsible, the device was placed in a Faraday cage and spectrum analysis was made on its output. The frequencies covered in these evaluation tests were from .1 Hz to 500 kHz, well below and above the audio spectrum. All tests passed within design parameters.

The test Setup is shown above. The recordings were made in the lower portion of Solitary Confinement. No air movement was detected, humidity was 84%, Temperature was 58 degrees F. Recordings were made on Four Track cassette tape.

Session 3 had only myself present, session 4 had myself and 2 other investigators present. All of us heard the same effect on the headphones. There were a total of 5 different events captured on tape. Only amplitude variations differed between them.

Back in the lab the audio recording was fed to a spectrum analyzer. What was found was that about once every 1.5 seconds a rise in background noise would occur, in conjunction with the whistling effect. This would appear as sinusodial infrasound at a .75 cycle per second rate. In addition, the whistle sound amplitude would follow the baseline infrasound in amplitude. Its frequency varied between 1 and 1.5 kHz. Also a component of white noise followed the amplitude of the whistle.

Each time the anomaly started it gradually increased in intensity up to a point. On two separate occasions at this point one of the investigators asked a couple questions. The whistle abruptly ceased and the background went silent until we went quiet for a while. Then the cycle repeated.

We terminated session 4 after a period of no response, Session 5 was started and ran for about 18 minutes with no response. The investigation was terminated and closed about 2 AM, May 16, 2019.

Dunbar, Pa. - Camping Adventure

I received the following e-mail regarding a sighting near Dunbar in 2022. Conditions were as follows:

    Weather was clear and temps in the low 60s in the evening. Later temps dropped to the upper 30s. No rain or precipitation for the period.
    Rural area, few homes nearby. Probability of any other witnesses are low.
    No nearby utilities, There is a gas line about 1/4 mile away.

On Saturday June 18 my son [Name withheld] and me decided to do some backyard camping. He is 12 years old and I figured this might be a good father - son experience. We went to my brother's place above Dunbar. He has some property that consists of a field bordering the woods near game lands. About 6:00 the three of us walked across the field to the wooded area. We decided to pitch

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